Mlisp, My own lisp implementation
Mlisp a tiny lispy language based on the book Build Your Own Lisp.
The interpreter is written in C and compiled directly to WASM. You can try it in this page by openning the developer console of your browser and typing Mlisp.interpret("+ 2 2") or using the repl shown below.
To be able to access C functions from your browser you have to export them. Let's see how we can define a function that is exported.
#if __EMSCRIPTEN__ EMSCRIPTEN_KEEPALIVE #endif int mlisp_init();When compilen with emcc the emscripten compiler to wasm, you have to add EMSCRIPTEN_KEEPALIVE macro before your function so it doesn't get optimized away. The exported functions in this project are:
int mlisp_init(); char *mlisp_interpret(char *input); void mlisp_cleanup();The project is then compiled with:
emcc -std=c99 -Wall -O3 -s WASM=1 -s EXTRA_EXPORTED_RUNTIME_METHODS='["cwrap"]'That means that you would be able to access the exported functions using a cwrap that let's you wrap a C function call from a Javascript function call. This compilation generates two files mlisp.js and mlisp.wasm. The javascript file defines a Module that provides useful tool to access exported functions.
Let's start using it
const Mlisp = { init: Module.cwrap('mlisp_init', 'number', []), interpret: Module.cwrap('mlisp_interpret', 'string', ['string']), cleanup: Module.cwrap('mlisp_cleanup', 'void', []), }; // Init interpreter Mlisp.init(); // Run some commands console.log(Mlisp.interpret("+ 2 2")); // Cleanup interpreter Mlisp.cleanup();
Automated Build & Release from github
I made a github workflow for this project to automatically build and release so you can retrieve them from Github.