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How to write a program that can replicate itself

Grotsky is a toy programming language that I made for fun. Today we're visinting the concept of Quines, a.k.a. self replicating programs. It's said that any turing-complete language should be able to write a program that replicates itself. And grotsky is no exception.

Read more about grotsky in previous blogposts:

Quines are very easy to write. The language that you're using needs to be able to do a couple things:

  • Write to a file or stdout (print)
  • Support for string arrays
  • Translate numbers/integers to character ascii representation
  • Concatenate strings
  • Loop through arrays from arbitrary indexes

Super simple quine: less than 30 lines of code

let tabChar = 9
let quoteChar = 34
let commaChar = 44
let code = [
	"let tabChar = 9",
	"let quoteChar = 34",
	"let commaChar = 44",
	"let code = [",
	"for let i = 0; i < 4; i = i+1 {",
	"	io.println(code[i])",
	"for let i = 0; i < code.length; i = i+1 {",
	"	io.println(strings.chr(tabChar) + strings.chr(quoteChar) + code[i] + strings.chr(quoteChar) + strings.chr(commaChar))",
	"for let i = 4; i < code.length; i = i+1 {",
	"	io.println(code[i])",
for let i = 0; i < 4; i = i+1 {
for let i = 0; i < code.length; i = i+1 {
	io.println(strings.chr(tabChar) + strings.chr(quoteChar) + code[i] + strings.chr(quoteChar) + strings.chr(commaChar))
for let i = 4; i < code.length; i = i+1 {

Now we can use grotksy cli to run the program and compare the output to the original source.

Save the original source to a file called then run the following commands:

$ grotsky >
$ cmp
$ echo $?

If you see a 0 as the final output that means the files are the same. Otherwise if you saw an error message or a different output, that means something has gone wrong.

How exciting is this?!! We've just written a program that gives itself as an output. That sounds impossible when you hear it for the first time. But it was actually pretty easy!

Source code available here:

Grotsky cli binary available here: