Reading time:

Writing a Redis clone in Go from scratch

In this post we're going to write a basic Redis clone in Go that implements the most simple commands: GET, SET, DEL and QUIT. At the end you'll know how to parse a byte stream from a live TCP connection, and hopefully have a working implementation of Redis.

What's intersting about this project is that it's production ready (not really). It's being used in production in an old Web app that I made for a client in 2017. It has been running for a few months now without issues.

I mantain that app to this day and I charge like 50 bucks a month for it. I do it because Im friends with the person that uses the app.

Long story short, the app's backend is written in PHP and uses Redis for caching, only GET, SET and DEL commands. I asked my friend if I could replace it with my custom version and said yes, so I decided to give it a go.

If you're looking for C/C++ implementation, go check out this book.

What we'll be building

If you go to the command list on redis webpage you'll see that there are 463 commands to this day (maybe more if you're in the future).

That's a crazy number. Here, we're only implementing 4 commands: GET, SET, DEL, QUIT, the other 459 commands are left as an exercise to the reader.


GET key

Returns the value referenced by key. If the key does not exist then nil is returned.


SET command gains more features on newer versions of Redis. We're going to implement one that has all features that were realeased up until version 6.0.0.

SET key value [NX | XX] [EX seconds | PX milliseconds]

Stores value as a string that is referenced by key. Overwrites any data that was previously referenced by the key.


  • EX seconds -- Set the specified expire time, in seconds.
  • PX milliseconds -- Set the specified expire time, in seconds.
  • NX -- Only set the key if it does not already exist.
  • XX -- Only set the key if it already exist.


DEL key [key ...]

Takes 'any' amount of keys as input and removes all of them from storage. If a key doesn't exist it is ignored. Returns the amount of keys that were deleted.



When receiving this command the server closes the connection. It's useful for interactive sessions. For production environments the client should close the connection without sending any commands.


Let's start an interactive session of redis to test some commands. We can install redis-server with docker and run it locally. Then we can use telnet to connect directly via TCP. Open a terminal and execute the following instructions:

$ docker run -d --name redis-server -p 6379:6379 redis:alpine

$ telnet 6379
Connected to localhost.
Escape character is '^]'.

At this point the prompt should be waiting for you to write something. We're gonna test a couple of commands. In the code boxes below the first line is the command, following lines are the response.

^ That weird $-1 is the special nil value. Which means there's nothing stored here.

set a 1
^ First thing to notice here is that we can use lowercase version of SET. Also, when the command is successful returns +OK.

set b 2

SET c 3
^ Just storing a couple more values.

^ Here the response is returned in two lines. First line is the length of the string. Second line is the actual string.

get b
^ We can also use lowercase version of GET, I bet commands are case-insensitive.

get C
^ Testing with uppercase C gives a nil. Keys seem to be case-sensitive, probably values too. That makes sense.

del a b c
^ Deleting everything returns the amount of keys deleted. Integers are indicated by ':'.

Connection closed by foreign host.
^ When we send QUIT, the server closes the connection and we're back to our terminal session.

With those tests we have enough information to start building. We learned a little bit about the redis protocol and what the responses look like.

Sending commands

Until now we've been using the inline version of redis command. There's another kind that follows the RESP (Redis serialization protocol).

The RESP protocol is quite similar to what we've seen in the examples above. The most important addition is arrays. Let's see a Client<>Server interaction using arrays.


The server response looks the same as in the inline version. But what the client sends looks very different:

  • In this case, the first thing the client sends is '*' followed by the number of elements in the array, so '*2' indicates that there are 2 elements in the array and they would be found in the following lines.
  • After that we have '$3' which means we're expecting the first element to be a string of length 3. Next line is the actual string, in our case is the command 'GET'.
  • The next value is also a string and is the key passed to the command.

That's almost everything we need to start building a client. There's one last thing: error responses.

-Example error message
-ERR unknown command 'foo'
-WRONGTYPE Operation against a key holding the wrong kind of value
A response that starts with a '-' is considered an error. The first word is the error type. We'll only gonna be using 'ERR' as a generic response.

RESP protocol is what client libraries use to communicate with Redis. With all that in our toolbox we're ready to start building.

Receiving connections

A crucial part of our serve is the ability to receive client's information. The way that this is done is that the server listens on a TCP port and waits for client connections. Let's start building the basic structure.

Create a new go module, open main.go and create a main function as follows.

package main

import (

var cache sync.Map

func main() {
	listener, err := net.Listen("tcp", ":6380")
	if err != nil {
	log.Println("Listening on tcp://")

	for {
		conn, err := listener.Accept()
		log.Println("New connection", conn)
		if err != nil {

		go startSession(conn)

After declaring the package and imports, we create a global sync.Map that would be our cache. That's where keys are gonna be stored and retrieved.

On the main function we start listening on port 6380. After that we have an infinite loop that accepts new connections and spawns a goroutine to handle the session.

Session handling

// startSession handles the client's session. Parses and executes commands and writes
// responses back to the client.
func startSession(conn net.Conn) {
	defer func() {
		log.Println("Closing connection", conn)
	defer func() {
		if err := recover(); err != nil {
			log.Println("Recovering from error", err)
	p := NewParser(conn)
	for {
		cmd, err := p.command()
		if err != nil {
			log.Println("Error", err)
			conn.Write([]uint8("-ERR " + err.Error() + "\r\n"))
		if !cmd.handle() {

It's super important that we close the connection when things are done. That's why we set a deferred function, to close the connection when the session finishes.

After that we handle any panics using recover. We do this mainly because at some point we might be reading from a connection that was closed by the client. And we don't want the entire server to die in case of an error.

Then we create a new parser and start trying to parse commands from the live connection. If we encounter an error we write the error message back to the client and we finish the session.

When cmd.handle() returns false (signaling end of session) we break the loop and the session finishes.

Parsing commands

Basic parser structure:

// Parser contains the logic to read from a raw tcp connection and parse commands.
type Parser struct {
	conn net.Conn
	r    *bufio.Reader
	// Used for inline parsing
	line []byte
	pos  int

// NewParser returns a new Parser that reads from the given connection.
func NewParser(conn net.Conn) *Parser {
	return &Parser{
		conn: conn,
		r:    bufio.NewReader(conn),
		line: make([]byte, 0),
		pos:  0,

This is pretty straight-forward. We store a reference to the connection, a reader and then some attributes that will help us with parsing.

The NewParser() function should be used as a contructor for Parser objects.

We need some helper functions that will make parsing easier:

func (p *Parser) current() byte {
	if p.atEnd() {
		return '\r'
	return p.line[p.pos]

func (p *Parser) advance() {

func (p *Parser) atEnd() bool {
	return p.pos >= len(p.line)

func (p *Parser) readLine() ([]byte, error) {
	line, err := p.r.ReadBytes('\r')
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	if _, err := p.r.ReadByte(); err != nil {
		return nil, err
	return line[:len(line)-1], nil

Also quite simple.

  • current(): Returns the character being pointed at by pos inside the line.
  • advance(): Point to the next character in the line.
  • atEnd(): Indicates if we're at the end of the line.
  • readLine(): Reads the input from the connection up to the carriage return char. Skips the '\n' char.

Parsing strings

In Redis we can send commands like so:

SET text "quoted \"text\" here"

This means we need a way to handle \, " chars inside a string.

For that we need a special parsing function that will handle strings:

// consumeString reads a string argument from the current line.
func (p *Parser) consumeString() (s []byte, err error) {
	for p.current() != '"' && !p.atEnd() {
		cur := p.current()
		next := p.current()
		if cur == '\\' && next == '"' {
			s = append(s, '"')
		} else {
			s = append(s, cur)
	if p.current() != '"' {
		return nil, errors.New("unbalanced quotes in request")

From the functions that we've declared up to this point it's pretty clear that our parser will be reading the input line by line. And the consuming the line one char at a time.

The way consumeString() works is quite tricky. It assumes that the initial " has been consumed before entering the function. And it consumes all characters in the current line up until it reaches the closing quotes character or the end of the line.

Inside the loop we can see that we're reading the current character and advancing the pointer, then the next character. When the user is sending an escaped quote inside the string we detect that by checking the current and the next characters. In this special case we end up advancing the pointer twice. Because we consumed two: chars the backslash and the quote. But we added only one char to the output: ".

We append all other characters to the output buffer.

When the loop finishes, if we're not pointing to the end quote char, that means that the user sent an invalid command and we return an error.

Otherwise we advance the pointer and return normally.

Parsing commands

// command parses and returns a Command.
func (p *Parser) command() (Command, error) {
	b, err := p.r.ReadByte()
	if err != nil {
		return Command{}, err
	if b == '*' {
		log.Println("resp array")
		return p.respArray()
	} else {
		line, err := p.readLine()
		if err != nil {
			return Command{}, err
		p.pos = 0
		p.line = append([]byte{}, b)
		p.line = append(p.line, line...)
		return p.inline()

We read the first character sent by the client. If it's an asterisk we handle it using the RESP protocol. Otherwise we assume that it's an inline command.

Let's start by parsing the inline commands first.

// Command implements the behavior of the commands.
type Command struct {
	args []string
	conn net.Conn

// inline parses an inline message and returns a Command. Returns an error when there's
// a problem reading from the connection or parsing the command.
func (p *Parser) inline() (Command, error) {
	// skip initial whitespace if any
	for p.current() == ' ' {
	cmd := Command{conn: p.conn}
	for !p.atEnd() {
		arg, err := p.consumeArg()
		if err != nil {
			return cmd, err
		if arg != "" {
			cmd.args = append(cmd.args, arg)
	return cmd, nil

This is also quite easy to skim through. We skip any leading whitespace in case the user sent something like ' GET a'.

We create a new Command object with a reference to the session connection.

While we're not at the end of the line we consume args and append them to the arg list of the command object if they are not empty.

Consuming arguments

// consumeArg reads an argument from the current line.
func (p *Parser) consumeArg() (s string, err error) {
	for p.current() == ' ' {
	if p.current() == '"' {
		buf, err := p.consumeString()
		return string(buf), err
	for !p.atEnd() && p.current() != ' ' && p.current() != '\r' {
		s += string(p.current())

Same as before we consume any leading whitespace.

If we find a quoted string we call our function from before: consumeString().

We append all characters to the output until we reach a carriage return \r, a whitespace or the end of the line.

Parsing RESP protocol

// respArray parses a RESP array and returns a Command. Returns an error when there's
// a problem reading from the connection.
func (p *Parser) respArray() (Command, error) {
	cmd := Command{}
	elementsStr, err := p.readLine()
	if err != nil {
		return cmd, err
	elements, _ := strconv.Atoi(string(elementsStr))
	log.Println("Elements", elements)
	for i := 0; i < elements; i++ {
		tp, err := p.r.ReadByte()
		if err != nil {
			return cmd, err
		switch tp {
		case ':':
			arg, err := p.readLine()
			if err != nil {
				return cmd, err
			cmd.args = append(cmd.args, string(arg))
		case '$':
			arg, err := p.readLine()
			if err != nil {
				return cmd, err
			length, _ := strconv.Atoi(string(arg))
			text := make([]byte, 0)
			for i := 0; len(text) <= length; i++ {
				line, err := p.readLine()
				if err != nil {
					return cmd, err
				text = append(text, line...)
			cmd.args = append(cmd.args, string(text[:length]))
		case '*':
			next, err := p.respArray()
			if err != nil {
				return cmd, err
			cmd.args = append(cmd.args, next.args...)
	return cmd, nil

As we know, the leading asterisk has already been consumed from the connection input. So, at this point, the first line contains the number of elements to be consumed. We read that into an integer.

We create a for loop with that will parse all the elements in the array. We consume the first character to detect which kind of element we need to consume: int, string or array.

The int case is quite simple, we just read until the rest of the line.

The array case is also quite simple, we call respArray() and append the args of the result, to the current command object.

For strings we read the first line and get the size of the string. We keep reading lines until we have read the indicated amount of characters.

Handling commands

This is the 'fun' part of the implementation. Were our server becomes alive. In this section we'll implement the actual functionality of the commands.

Let's start with the cmd.handle() function that we saw in handleSession().

// handle Executes the command and writes the response. Returns false when the connection should be closed.
func (cmd Command) handle() bool {
	switch strings.ToUpper(cmd.args[0]) {
	case "GET":
		return cmd.get()
	case "SET":
		return cmd.set()
	case "DEL":
		return cmd.del()
	case "QUIT":
		return cmd.quit()
		log.Println("Command not supported", cmd.args[0])
		cmd.conn.Write([]uint8("-ERR unknown command '" + cmd.args[0] + "'\r\n"))
	return true

Needs no further explanation. Let's implement the easiest command: QUIT.

// quit Used in interactive/inline mode, instructs the server to terminate the connection.
func (cmd *Command) quit() bool {
	if len(cmd.args) != 1 {
		cmd.conn.Write([]uint8("-ERR wrong number of arguments for '" + cmd.args[0] + "' command\r\n"))
		return true
	log.Println("Handle QUIT")
	return false

If any extra arguments were passed to QUIT, it returns an error.

Otherwise write +OK to the client and return false. Which if you remember handleSession() is the value to indicate that the session has finished. After that the connection will be automatically closed.

The next easieast command is DEL

// del Deletes a key from the cache.
func (cmd *Command) del() bool {
	count := 0
	for _, k := range cmd.args[1:] {
		if _, ok := cache.LoadAndDelete(k); ok {
	cmd.conn.Write([]uint8(fmt.Sprintf(":%d\r\n", count)))
	return true

Iterates through all the keys passed, deletes the ones that exists and writes back to the client the amount of keys deleted.

Returns true, which means the connection is kept alive.

Handling GET

// get Fetches a key from the cache if exists.
func (cmd Command) get() bool {
	if len(cmd.args) != 2 {
		cmd.conn.Write([]uint8("-ERR wrong number of arguments for '" + cmd.args[0] + "' command\r\n"))
		return true
	log.Println("Handle GET")
	val, _ := cache.Load(cmd.args[1])
	if val != nil {
		res, _ := val.(string)
		if strings.HasPrefix(res, "\"") {
			res, _ = strconv.Unquote(res)
		log.Println("Response length", len(res))
		cmd.conn.Write([]uint8(fmt.Sprintf("$%d\r\n", len(res))))
		cmd.conn.Write(append([]uint8(res), []uint8("\r\n")...))
	} else {
	return true

As before, we validate that the correct number of arguments were passed to the command.

We load the value from the global variable cache.

If the value is nil we write back to the client the special $-1.

When we have a value we cast it as string and unquote it in case it's quoted. Then we write the length as the first line of the response and the string as the second line of the response.

Handling SET

This is the most complicated command that we'll implement.

// set Stores a key and value on the cache. Optionally sets expiration on the key.
func (cmd Command) set() bool {
	if len(cmd.args) < 3 || len(cmd.args) > 6 {
		cmd.conn.Write([]uint8("-ERR wrong number of arguments for '" + cmd.args[0] + "' command\r\n"))
		return true
	log.Println("Handle SET")
	log.Println("Value length", len(cmd.args[2]))
	if len(cmd.args) > 3 {
		pos := 3
		option := strings.ToUpper(cmd.args[pos])
		switch option {
		case "NX":
			log.Println("Handle NX")
			if _, ok := cache.Load(cmd.args[1]); ok {
				return true
		case "XX":
			log.Println("Handle XX")
			if _, ok := cache.Load(cmd.args[1]); !ok {
				return true
		if len(cmd.args) > pos {
			if err := cmd.setExpiration(pos); err != nil {
				cmd.conn.Write([]uint8("-ERR " + err.Error() + "\r\n"))
				return true
	cache.Store(cmd.args[1], cmd.args[2])
	return true

As always, first thing we do is validate the number of arguments. But in this case, SET is more tricky than the others.

When more than 3 arguments are passed we check for the NX or XX flags and handle them accordingly.

  • NX -- Only set the key if it does not already exist.
  • XX -- Only set the key if it already exist.

Then we parse the expiration flags if any. We'll see how that's done in a second.

After handling all those special cases we finally store the key and value in the cache, write the +OK response and return true to keep the connection alive.


// setExpiration Handles expiration when passed as part of the 'set' command.
func (cmd Command) setExpiration(pos int) error {
	option := strings.ToUpper(cmd.args[pos])
	value, _ := strconv.Atoi(cmd.args[pos+1])
	var duration time.Duration
	switch option {
	case "EX":
		duration = time.Second * time.Duration(value)
	case "PX":
		duration = time.Millisecond * time.Duration(value)
		return fmt.Errorf("expiration option is not valid")
	go func() {
		log.Printf("Handling '%s', sleeping for %v\n", option, duration)
	return nil

We read the option and the expiration value, then we compute the duration for each case and we spawn a new goroutine that sleeps for that amount of time and the deletes the key from the cache.

This is not the most efficient way to do it, but it's simple and it works for us.

Working server

At this point we have an usable implementation of Redis.

Let's start the server the server and test it.

$ go run main.go
2023/04/08 21:09:40 Listening on tcp://

On a different terminal connect to the server.

$ telnet 6380
set a "test \"quotes\" are working"
get a
test "quotes" are working

It's alive!! Go have fun.

If you'd like to access the source code of this project there's a public gist containing all of the code displayed here.

Link to source code