Reading time:

Generating posts using markdown

This is pretty standard for Github pages. But in this case, the parser has been written by me. It takes some subset of markdown and compiles it to HTML.

Only what you see in this post is what's supported.

Code blocks

Standard code block:

Hello, this is a code block!

Syntax highlighting:

from functools import reduce, partial
import operator

mul = partial(reduce, operator.mul)
print("Factorial of 5:", mul(range(1, 6)))

Unordered list

  • This
  • is an
  • unordered list

Bolds, Italics and Inline code

Some text can be bolded, while some other can be in Italics.

But the best is to have print("inline code").

Links and images

Link to the blog source code where you can see how the parser works (tldr: is awful).

Picture of NYC:

Picture of NYC


There's a thing you haven't noticed so far. There's support for different kinds of headings. You can see them in increasing order here:




Pretty good


Good bye!

Thanks for checking out the blog. I've done this to reduce the complexity of creating new blogposts. It was a headache before.

Hopefully now I'll write more. Stay tuned.