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Caddy Snake improvements

I've been planning on improving Caddy Snake, making it more stable and easier to use. Right now, I want to add automatic test for Django, and build binaries and Docker images for arm64 and riscv64. I'd also like to turn it into a Python package so you can plug it straight into your code.

Fix/add/test support for Django

I've tried to use it a couple times just to test that it works and seems to have been broken. I'd like to test it a little bit more to make sure it works and solve all the bugs.

Also add an automatic test so that I'm sure it doesn't break after I make some changes.

Make sure we don't get segfaults on tests anymore

Sometimes I get random segfaults when tests run on CI. I'd like to take time to investigate this and fix the issues.

Add support for arm64 and riscv64

For now I'm only building caddy-snake for Linux x86_64. It would be cool to distribute more binaries for different OSes and CPU architectures.

For example:

  • linux / x86_64 / arm64 / riscv64
  • macOS / x86_64 / arm64
  • windows / x86_64 / arm64

Also deliver docker images for all of those.

Expose as python package that can be used directly

import caddysnake

from flask import Flask

app = Flask(__name__)

def hello():
 return "Hello world"
if __name__ == "__main__":, host="localhost:8082")

Better performance and isolation

Complete the work of integrating subinterpreters in caddy-snake.

Track performance compared to other web servers and improve it.